Logan Park

Logan Park is a part of Susquehanna City. This neighborhood is totally urban. It's the location of lit buildings with interior details. One can play pool, have a shave, buy a deli sandwich or eat at the corner diner. You may even find a chicken bar-b-que there. A double-decked freeway cuts through this are also. It's also home to a scary haunted house that is plagued with thunderstorms and lightning. Both eastbound and westbound mainlines pass under Logan Park in a tunnel. A basketball player can be seen shooting some hoops at the local park also..

Beneath Logan Park, the city subway system has a station called "Logan Park". The subway platform below is finished

A Few Photos


The photo above shows the the main part of Logan Park. A detailed pool hall, deli, barber shop and diner line the main street. The mezzqanine for the future Logan Park/108th St. Subway Station is underneath. A detailed city park is in the background.


Logan Park3

Logan Park4

Logan Park Subway Station